RKF is local 501c3 Nonprofit, run by a Volunteer Board of Directors. Our mission is help make our little patch of the world a healthier, happier place. We achieve this by organizing events that encourage family fitness, support other local programs that also promote our mission and step in to partner or assist with any effort in our community where we can promote healthier kids, families and community.
When you race one of our 5 signature events, you participate in our mission as well as support other initiatives.
When you volunteer with us we turn your valuable, donated time into something good!
RKF has $10,000 to give away! We use donations and proceeds from our 5 events to award grants each year. Grants are awarded to non-profits that fulfill our m ission to create and sustain active, fit and healthy children, families and communities.
Important Dates
Deadline to Apply: May 15, 2025
Grant Notification: June 15, 2025
Final Report Due: December 15, 2025
Total Funding Available: $10,000
Grant amounts depend on the number of applications received, mission alignment, and funding requested. Last grant cycle, 5 grants were awarded ranging between $500 to $4,000
Grant recipients are asked to highlight RKF's support for their organization and allow RKF to highlight their organization across our various communication platforms.
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
Board Chair:
Board Vice Chair:
Board Secretary:
Board Treasurer:
Board Members at Large:
Kyle Busekist
Heather Finke
Melissa Singletary
Gloria Wall
Adrien Busekist, Kelly Carmena, Tyler Fasanella, Heather Finke, Christine Gauthreaux, Kelli Kirkland, Stachia Marioneaux and Angela McGhee

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