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Rocketchix/Rocketkidz Weekend
Pointe Marie

Race Distances: (All distances are subject to change due to our new location.)


Falcon- 3-5 yrs old

25yd swim / .35 mile bike / .15 mile run


Beginner/Sputnik - 6-7 yrs old

50yd swim / 1 mile bike / 0.6 mile run


Apollo - 8-10 yrs old

100yd swim / 2 mile bike / 0.6 mile run


Saturn - 11-14 yrs old

100yd swim / 4 mile bike / 1.2 mile run


*No training wheels or floaties allowed except for Falcons and beginner Sputniks.

Rocketkidz Foundation is a 501c3 NonProfit Based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

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